Revenue Model

We at VispX are highly focused on creating a sustainable revenue model that will integrate into all our ecosystem features to help us expand the brand and our vision.

How many revenue streams are there?

There are a total of 6 different revenue sources feeding into the treasury which will allow "us" to collectively manage, distribute and invest.

These revenue streams are designed to inject into our treasury allowing us to achieve our goals and beyond in a very short period of time.

Let's take a look at the different revenue models

DAO Treasury

As mentioned above, the DAO treasury will have multiple revenue streams and is a huge part of the ecosystem expansion. It is important to understand that the treasury is an ecosystem fund we will collectively use to achieve the following:

  1. Execute VispX ecosystem expansions

  2. Incubate projects

  3. Reward XBorg Holders

  4. Invest in community-driven projects

Let's take a look at all the revenue models we are adopting in the VispX ecosystem

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